Power is on! A/C is running. Loose ends getting buttoned up. — ACM Initiatives — Communications and marketing services for businesses and non-profits, based on storytelling

Journal Entries

Building our new home: from finding the location, creating the design, choosing the builder, to the building process. This journal chronicles our process, from end to end.

Power is on! A/C is running. Loose ends getting buttoned up.

Now just 12 days to move-in. Every day is a beehive, now. We passed a huge milestone a couple of days ago: we now have the Certificate of Occupancy (CO), from the county which puts the move-in date back in the hands of our builder, HomeSource.

They now feel very confident of hitting Sept. 15 to turn over the keys to us. That's good, because we gave 30 days notice of moving out of our apartment on Aug. 16.

We now have electricity, natural gas, and water hooked up and running. The geothermal HVAC system was fired up today, and is cooling everything nicely. In the 8 hours from flipping it on until about 9 pm tonight, it brought the four zones down from an average of 80 degrees to 73, using about 875 watts of power, according to the very informative master thermostat. At a cost of about 12¢/KWH, total power cost to run the HVAC those 8 hours was about 75¢. Maintaining a temperature should use much less energy. I think we might get by with less than $1.50 a day, or about $45/month to heat/cool our 3,350 sq. ft. We'll track it and post updates.

No video today, but here are 4 photos I took tonight—the first night we could see how the place looks lit up. Not yet presentable, but looking mighty good to us for a work still in progress.



Perry AlexanderComment