ACM Initiatives Non-Profit Marketing Project Examples — ACM Initiatives — Communications and marketing services for businesses and non-profits, based on storytelling

ACM Initiatives Non-Profit Marketing Project Examples

Website creation, e-commerce, CD album and print design examples.

Website Creation and Maintenance and Email Promotions

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This men's a cappella, multiple-time, international gold-medal winning chorus lost their web designer (and chorus member) suddenly in 2013. With his passing also went all access to modify or access the site. We were asked to recreate the site, from scratch, and did so within 48 hours. We have been maintaining it, with show performance and new recording updates ever since.

We create promotional emails that are sent to about 12,000 patrons several times each year. Open and click-through rates are impressive.

Client website >

Online Store

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As soon as we had completed rebuilding the basic client website in 2013, we spent another two weeks completely revamping and relaunching the e-commerce component. We also added the capability for digital downloads of all albums—including those out of print. Each CD product page includes complete access to all CD artwork. Albums can be grouped by music type or season, for easy navigation.

2016 was a banner year for CD sales of about $35,000, as a Facebook Live stream video of an impromptu rendition of a recently deceased composer’s most well-known tune went viral, reaching 8 million views.

Client website >

CD Album Artwork

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Show Programs

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We have created complete cover, booklet, and on-disc artwork for several published music CDs since 2003. We work closely with the CD production house to coordinate the artwork, audio files, and distribution dates.

The client performs two primary shows each year: Spring and Christmas. We create a 20-page show program that is printed and handed to patrons of each show.

Direct Mail

Video Creation

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Season ticket self-mailers are created and sent to a list of 12,000 fans of the group. A series of reminder postcards are sent, promoting ticket sales to each show.

From show promotion videos, to captioned Facebook ad videos, to performance promo videos, we have created a wide variety of video work for this client.

A variety of stories can be seen in the 12 videos above, including the last in the group: a 35-minute, long-form video, viewed nearly 28,000 times on YouTube.

Jim Clancy Arrangements

Dallas, TX

Website Creation and Maintenance

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Jim Clancy, the founder of the Vocal Majority, has been creating barbershop harmony arrangements for years. We were asked to create a website to sell arrangements for hundreds of different songs to other choral groups around the world.

Each song product page is includes sample pages from the arrangement, a recorded performance (to which we added a digital watermark), licensing process information, and a description. Several selections include the option to purchase "learning tracks," which divide out the individual voicings. The arrangements and learning tracks are delivered digitally, upon purchase.

Client website >

PC(USA) Campus Ministries


The Flint River Presbytery of the PC(USA) provides campus ministries at four universities in Georgia. Each has a unique offering, while all provide weekly free meals to students—no strings attached. Launching a major capital campaign, the Presbytery asked us to video interview students at each and produce a short videos to inspire prospective donors and another for congregations who might wish to participate at a greater level.


From 6.5 hours of interviews of 48 students, directors, and others at four locations, we produced the 5-minute and 6.5-minute videos you see here. We set up a YouTube channel and produced DVDs for distribution.

Prior to that project, we had produced a more in-depth video that conveys the passions of students who visit the Presbyterian Center Campus Ministry at Valdosta State University.

Montreat Conference Center

Montreat, NC

Fundraising Website and Videos

In 2014, we created, for the first time, an online giving presence for this 100-plus-year-old Presbyterian conference center. We identified an external resource to build the user-friendly donation page, which was “skinned” to look like part of the fundraising site.

Adult Programming Promotional Booklet

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When the Center for Faith & Life was created, Montreat needed a booklet that would reflect the sophistication of the programming it would offer to adults. This 16-page book was the result.