About ACM Initiatives — ACM Initiatives — Communications and marketing services for businesses and non-profits, based on storytelling

About ACM Initiatives

Background and expertise of Perry Alexander, Merri Alexander, and Gary Hennerberg.

Perry Alexander

Perry Alexander

Founder, Business and Marketing Strategist, Editor, Designer, and Video Producer

In the realm of advertising and marketing strategy and design, Perry Alexander has thrived on tirelessly reaching for and riding the leading edge of evolving best practices.

Since 1973, he has applied fundamental marketing and design principles, using diverse delivery media, beginning with his early days with print, television, and radio, and which have substantially evolved to include Web sites, email, social media, mobile, video, marketing automation, and the use of unstructured data to reach prospects. Since 1996, he has produced countless direct mail campaigns with long-time colleague Gary Hennerberg. In a world shifting ever more to online and mobile marketing communication, he and Gary have repurposed, repositioned, and re-invented approaches to aptly reach deeply into the markets of his clients, with response rate increases of up to 60%.

Perry is adept at digital and print marketing strategy development, as well as creating Web design, email and landing page campaign, and online video, social media, SEO, employing story-telling techniques to ensure audience retention with resulting greater conversion rates.

He has designed and produced countless corporate identity programs, printed collateral materials, catalogs, brochures, direct mail packages, business plans, Web sites, and online videos—from two-minute shorts to 35-minute features.

He is equally at home serving businesses and non-profit clients whose formerly tried-and-true marketing methods have become ineffective, and are in acute need of being rethought, reset, and redeployed to impact today’s marketplace, both online and offline.   

Merri Alexander

Merri Alexander

Partner, Strategist, Communications Specialist, Conference Planner, Non-Profit Specialist, Writer, Photographer

From creating vision to developing processes and executing strategy, Merri Alexander’s skills in communications, marketing, photography, organization, and management, have benefited both for-profit and non-profit clients and employers for many years.

Merri serves as interim pastor at a Presbyterian PC(USA) church.

As a professional photographer and marketing strategist, Merri has worked with non-profit organizations and churches crafting messages—both visual and verbal—that became the foundation of their capital campaign case statements, annual communications packages, and promoted countless conferences. From arts and historical organizations to non-profits such as the YWCA, colleges, and church institutions, she helps clients think in new ways about their media campaigns as they discover the variety of markets they need to reach. She has also led logo-identity turn-around initiatives for organizations struggling with unfocused or unclear visual identities. 

With her background in professional theater, Merri mastered how to make the whole story fit together and “play” to its particular audience, or market. As the first female dinner theater manager in the U.S., she grew the business during the heart of the recession of the 1970s.

Similarly, in today’s organization communications, she  ensures than all the individual parts fit together to tell the full story—video, print, social media, web presence, and speaking to groups—in the messaging to the intended market.

With more than 20 years of conference and event planning experience with Montreat Conference Center, Merri brings her organizational ability, stakeholder communications, and attention to detail to each of her marketing and communications efforts.