11-Week Countdown to Completion — ACM Initiatives — Communications and marketing services for businesses and non-profits, based on storytelling

Journal Entries

Building our new home: from finding the location, creating the design, choosing the builder, to the building process. This journal chronicles our process, from end to end.

11-Week Countdown to Completion

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Counting down the weeks. According to the plan, we should take possession within 11 weeks. If so, that gives us 3 weeks to move in, fully unpack, and have the place presentable for the annual Parade of Homes, October 8 - 9 & 15 - 16. If we don't hit the planned move-in date around Sept. 10, the 1,500 people expected to come through for the Parade will get to see half-unpacked boxes. Very distracting. Lots of motivation to hit the target date…

Exterior progress. Siding is coming along, although nothing has its actual color applied to it yet. The cement fiber horizontal siding is complete, showing only its pre-applied prime coat. Stucco application is coming along on the stairwell tower and the “bump-outs” on the garage and Merri’s office. Reclaimed cherry flooring has been planed and milled and will soon be installed vertically around the front door and the windows above. TimberTech decking installation has begun.

Interior progress. Drywall hanging and finishing is complete. The maple stair treads and stringer boards have been deliverered. The maple hardwood flooring was delivered a few days ago, to become acclimated to the interior climate before installation starts Monday.

Underground and landscape progress. The geothermal loop has been connected and piped into the mechanical room. Water and power lines are both in and buried. Natural gas line is yet to come.

Work will begin on the hardscape portion of the landscaping plan the week of July 4, including the entrance to the driveway, water feature, and other large boulder features.