Multiple concurrent activities — ACM Initiatives — Communications and marketing services for businesses and non-profits, based on storytelling

Journal Entries

Building our new home: from finding the location, creating the design, choosing the builder, to the building process. This journal chronicles our process, from end to end.

Multiple concurrent activities

Lots going on, all at once:

  • Exterior and interior framing is nearly complete
  • Roof trusses are on site
  • Garage footers and deck pier footings have been poured
  • Partial garage block wall first course is laid
  • Deck/screened porch floor framing has begun
  • Septic field pipes laid, inspected, and covered.

Here's a 2-minute video that covers it all.

By the way, if you’re not familiar with the wonders of a septic system, it requires no power, no chemicals, and produces no pollution. And, once installed, with just a little care in deciding what goes down the drain, costs virtually zero to run (other than having the tank pumped every five years or so). About 25% of US households (about 26 million) are served with septic systems.

Sewage is carried from the house to the tank via gravity no motors, no fossil-fuel energy consumption, no noise. Wastewater goes from the tank to the drainfield also via gravity where microorganisms in the soil digest and purify bacteria and viruses. It is an example of efficient design and natural forces, returning clean water to the water table (or to plants or the air) all functioning silently under the surface of the earth.

There’s a beautifully illustrated, plain-language paperback primer on septic systems, called The Septic System Owner’s Manual, by Lloyd Kahn and Blair Allen. On Amazon.