Seriously? New Rules About Marketing from Old Guys? — ACM Initiatives — Communications and marketing services for businesses and non-profits, based on storytelling

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Seriously? New Rules About Marketing from Old Guys?


Many of the sharpest marketing and sales gurus today, are all over 50. How can that be? Well, they’ve lived and worked with old-school world of marketing and sales techniques of the past, and realize how they have collapsed in today’s world. They understand the new world of social media and online communications. So, they’re in a great position to sort out the best new rules, and share them with the world.

First, Seth Godin has been blogging every day for more than five years. Thousands of posts—some a sentence, some a few bullet points, some longer essays. His contention is that if you learn to speak in complete sentences, you’ll never get writer’s block, because you write what you would say. And, nobody ever gets “speaker’s block.” His wisdom transcends marketing, into a philosophy of living and choosing yourself to succeed. His perspective on education is spot on, as well. Do yourself a favor, and subscribe to his blog:

David Meerman Scott interviews HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan about the new edition of his book "Inbound Marketing: Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online" (written with HubSpot co-founder Dharmesh Shah). Scott and Halligan discuss what's changed in the world of Inbound Marketing (and what's stayed the same).

Second, David Meerman Scott was with a number of Fortune 500 companies. He left it all to become a consultant and writer. His first book is now in its fourth edition, called The New Rules of Marketing and PR. He is adamant that the old rules of “controlling the message” simply don’t apply anymore. His most recent book, just published, is The New Rules of Sales and Service. He remarks that because of the wealth of information on the web, the salesperson no longer controls the relationship. His blog is less frequent, but equally valuable:

David is on the board of the explosively growing inbound marketing platform company, HubspotRecently, David posted a short video interview with Hubspot founder, Brian Halligan about Brian’s new book about inbound marketingThey cover how non-interruptive, inbound marketing has evolved over the past two years, and how it has not. Invest five minutes and be inspired.